Graphical view of the ONIX DTD Release 2.1
[Revision 01]

[ Top-level ONIX message structure ]

[ Product record structure][ Main Series and Subseries record structures]


This page is the entry-point to a series of graphical views of the ONIX DTD Release 2.1. The DTD contains over 250 data elements and composite elements, organised into 41 Groups: 26 of which relate to Product records, 7 to Main Series records and 8 to Subseries records. Further information on the inter-dependence of elements within in each group may be found in the ONIX Message, Product, Main Series and Sub Series Guides.

For details of changes in Revision 01 of Release 2.1 see the DTD files and specification documents.

Each page presents a graphical view of part of the ONIX DTD. This view illustrates the element structure, showing how data elements are combined into groups and, in some cases, into composite elements. It does not in any way try to explain the rules governing the content of each data element.

WARNING! – For convenience, these views show Groups as if they were composite elements. In reality they are not elements at all, but simply a convenient way of labelling sets of elements whose occurrence within an ONIX message are in some way inter-dependent. Groups are never to be represented explicitly by XML tags.

The following graphical conventions apply:

[ Top-level ONIX message structure ]

[ Product record structure][ Main Series and Subseries record structures]